Soumettre des Commentaires

Nous vous remercions de votre participation au sondage de satisfaction client d’Integration Objects. La satisfaction de nos clients est la clé de notre succès ; nous vous invitons donc à nous faire part de vos commentaires sur notre performance afin d’améliorer la qualité de nos produits et de mieux vous servir. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes vos éventuelles questions.

Veuillez utiliser l’échelle ci-dessous:

  • 3 : Très Satisfait
  • 2 : Satisfait
  • 1 : Insatisfait
  • 0 : Extrêmement Insatisfait
  • x : Neutre

How would you rate the ease of configuring the software?
The ease of installation?
The ease of use of the software?
How would you rate the intuitiveness of the user interface?
How satisfied are you with the product´s overall performance*?
Please evaluate the product´s features:
Does the product meet your requirements?
Did the product fit into your architecture?
Was there a need for custom features? If yes, please describe these features.
How user-friendly would you rate the product´s documentation?
How satisfied are you with the clarity of explanations in our documentation?
How satisfied are you with the services available through our website?
The support you received from our Customer Support team?
How satisfied are you regarding our response time?
How satisfied are you with our website services ?
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