Integration Objects have been selected for the 4IR Showcase at GMIS in Abu-Dhabi
March 29, 2017
We are glad to announce that Integration Objects has been selected to participate to the 4iR Corridor of the Global Manufacturing Industrialisation Summit (GMIS) in order to showcase our advanced software solutions portfolio in the categories of Industrial IoT, Cybersecurity and Big Data Analytics.
It is the first edition for the GMIS and is going to cover a relevant role in the next global developments of process industry. The Summit will take place along 27-30 March, 2017 in the Paris-Sorbonne University Venue of Abu-Dhabi, with the support of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) Ministry of Economy and UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and will place as a true institutional international crossroad, with the will to give voice in the matter to Heads of State, Ministers, Policy Makers and Executives from over 2.000 Companies worldwide.
Visit our booth at the 4iR Corridor and click here to know more about GMIS.